Top Seller All Time

Benefits of durian: But beyond its delectableness, durian boasts of a whole lot of health-promoting goodness. Avoids and relieves constipation (Fiber)
Helps prevent anemia (Folate)
Promotes healthy skin (Vitamin C)
Helps maintain healthy bones (Potassium)
Regulates blood sugar levels (Manganese)
Durian can aid in regulating blood sugar levels through the help of its rich manganese content.
Helps maintain a healthy thyroid (Cooper)
Assist digestion (Thiamin)
brimming with thiamin, a B vitamin 
Helps relieve migraines (Riboflavin)
Helps fight depression (Vitamin B6)
contains vitamin B6. 
Promotes healthy teeth and gums (Phosphorous)

Benefits of Strawberry
Eye Care

Arthritis and Gout
Prevent Cancer
Improve Brain Function 
Lower High Blood Pressure
Against Heart Diseases
High fiber, Folate, no fats and high anti oxidants such as vitamin-C and those phytochemicals (Flavonoids) 
Folate to protect from birth-defects. 
Vitamin-C effectively prevents from infections and cold. 
The phytonutrients also have anti inflammatory properties. 

Benefits of Almond and Chocolate:

One piece of our Delicious Dark Chocolate Covered Almond Egg Tart has so many health benefits and can be an alternative to keep you feeling full and hunger at bay. Drop by our shop now to try some and you’ll know it will be difficult to stop at one or two. Share these joy with your loved ones too and your fellow colleagues at work.